eCommerce Podcast

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Ecommerce Entrepreneurship: Master Time, Money, Relationships, Purpose

Guest: David Braithwaite

Meet David, a leap-of-faith taker since '94 and a business wizard with a zest for life's small moments! Owner of Citrus Financial Management and co-owner of three other businesses, he's all about empathy, turning clients' dreams into reality, and grooving to the behind-the-scenes stories that shape us. A Strategic Coach veteran and believer in the power of story, David's just the guy to guide you to the best version of yourself – all while keeping it real and having a blast

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Here’s a summary of the great stuff that we cover in this show:

In the dynamic world of ecommerce, the journey of an entrepreneur is often likened to navigating uncharted waters. It requires not just a strong business acumen but a profound understanding of what truly drives success. In this podcast episode with David Braithwaite, a luminary in strategic coaching and entrepreneurship, I explored the essence of mastering the four key freedoms: Time, Money, Relationships, and Purpose.

Entrepreneurs as Problem Solvers: The Double-Edged Sword

Entrepreneurs are inherently problem solvers. However, David pointed out an intriguing downside: this never-ending cycle of solving problems can lead us to a state of perpetual motion, rarely allowing us time to rest. It's a delicate balance of constantly pushing forward while ensuring we don’t wear ourselves out in the process.

The Power of ‘Going Back to Go Forward’

One of David's most compelling insights was the concept of 'going back to go forward', especially poignant for those building a side hustle. It's about making strategic sacrifices, like downsizing to free up cash, which can feel counterintuitive but is often necessary for long-term growth. This approach is about making conscious choices to fuel your business's future, understanding that sometimes, a step back can propel you multiple steps forward.

Mastering the Four Freedoms

The crux of David’s philosophy revolves around the Four Freedoms: Time, Money, Relationships, and Purpose. These are not just elements of running a business; they are the cornerstones of a successful and fulfilling entrepreneurial life.

  • Time: Control over one’s time is perhaps the most significant allure of entrepreneurship. It’s about creating a balance between work and personal life, ensuring that our business endeavours don’t overshadow our personal aspirations.

  • Money: . ‘Control the money, take what you need, and leave the rest’ – this mindset allows entrepreneurs to reinvest in their ventures and prepare for future opportunities or challenges.

  • Relationships: The success of a business is intricately tied to the relationships we build. David emphasises the importance of surrounding ourselves with people who add value to both our personal and professional lives.

  • Purpose: Understanding and aligning with your ‘why’ is crucial. It's the driving force behind your business and should resonate with your personal goals and values.

My conversation with David Braithwaite was more than just a discussion; it was a journey through the multifaceted world of ecommerce entrepreneurship. It highlighted the importance of a holistic approach to business – one that balances the relentless drive for success with personal wellbeing and fulfilment.

The path of an ecommerce entrepreneur is fraught with challenges and opportunities. By mastering time, money, relationships, and purpose, we can navigate this path with confidence and grace, turning our entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

Are you ready to embark on this journey and redefine your approach to ecommerce entrepreneurship? Listen to the full podcast episode for an enriching exploration into these critical aspects of business and life.

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At the eCommerce Cohort, we're committed to helping you deliver eCommerce WOW through our lightweight, guided monthly Sprint that cycles through all the key areas of eCommerce.

What happens in a Sprint?

Each Sprint is themed-based. So using the topic of Everything You Need To Know About Subscription eCommerce as an example - here's how it would work:

  • Sprint Theme: Marketing.

  • Week One: Coaching Session -> Marketing.

  • Week Two: Expert Workshop -> Everything You Need To Know About Subscription eCommerce.

  • Week Three: Live Q&A with our experts and coaches. This is a time to ask questions and contribute your thoughts and ideas so we can all learn together.

  • Week Four: Submit your work for feedback, support, and accountability. Yup, all of this is to provide you with clear, actionable items you can implement in your eCommerce business or department! It's not about learning for the sake of learning but about making those constant interactions that keep you moving forward and ahead of your competitors. Sharing your work helps cement your understanding, and accountability enables you to implement like nothing else!

Who can join the eCommerce Cohort?

Anyone with a passion for eCommerce. If you're an established eCommercer already, you'll get tremendous value as it will stop you from getting siloed (something that your podcast host, Matt Edmundson, can attest to!).

If you're just starting out in eCommerce, we have a series of Sprints (we call that a Cycle) that will help you get started quicker and easier.

Why Cohort

Founder and coach Matt Edmundson started the Cohort after years of being in the trenches with his eCommerce businesses and coaching other online empires worldwide. One of Matt's most potent lessons in eCommerce was the danger of getting siloed and only working on those areas of the business that excited him - it almost brought down his entire eCommerce empire. Working on all aspects of eCommerce is crucial if you want to thrive online, stay ahead of your competitors and deliver eCommerce WOW.

Are you thinking about starting an eCommerce business or looking to grow your existing online empire? Are you interested in learning more about the eCommerce Cohort?

Visit our website now or email Matt directly with any questions at

Matt has been involved in eCommerce since 2002. His websites have generated over $50m in worldwide sales, and his coaching clients have a combined turnover of over $100m.

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